
Remembering Md Imamul Kabir Shanto

Remembering Md Imamul Kabir Shanto


Message from Dr Md Sayed Uddin, Senior Lecturer, Unversity Of Malaysia, Sabah


I’m stunned by this news. Innalillahiwannailahi raji’un. May Allah grant him jannah. Ameen. A freedom fighter, Founding Chairman of Shanto – Mariam Foundation and Trustee of Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology. A good human being. Its a huge loss for the people’s in Bangladesh. His contribution is enormous in Business, Social welfare and academy. I hope all his well-wisher will work together and continue to support his dreams. He was a very good boss and a nice human being while I worked as Deputy Registrar in his university. From my bottom of my heart I will always pray for him and May Allah bless his family.

– Dr Md Sayed Uddin



Message from Santa Maria

Tulip Kabir I have worked with him for over five years, there were so many memories, he was very kind to me and he had solution for every problem, I used to meet him only in emergency situations knowing the fact how busy he was and he knew it too that if I m there, there must be something really important . I never exploited the fact that I m related to him, intact he only came to know my real identity only after I got my appointment letter.he was also very strict in maintaining the rules and regulations of the institution. Working in Shanto Marium was a privilege for me because of my name too, some used to think I m his daughter , he would call me ‘Maa ‘ and I used to see my dad in him whenever I met him. I can’t tell you how I feel right now, he was there for me, even though he was far from me but still I knew he’s there. That place is gone.


Message from Sayeed Hossain, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

We are deeply shocked and saddened at the untimely death of Imamul Kabir Shanto (our Shanto Mama) and express sincere condolences to the bereaved family members.

He was a very good soul with extended cooperation and helping attitudes to the relatives and the needy ones. His pleasant personality and generosity impressed everybody. He was also a big entrepreneur having substantial contributions to the nation building as envisaged in education and services sectors.

Once I was closely associated with their family members and was overwhelmed with the loves and affection of his parents and the eldest sister which should remain forever.

We mourn, remember and equally share the loss with his family members and the near and dear ones and pray for the salvation of the departed soul.

May Allah bless him with eternal peace and tranquility and rest the soul in Jannatul Ferdous. Also, give the members of the bereaved family with enough strength and fortitude to bear the loss.

– Sayeed Hossain


Tribute Article on Imamul Kabir Shanto from Ar. Hosne Ara Rahman


Condolence message from Mohitosh Talukder Taposh, Amra Kojon, Boston, USA

টিউলিপ বন্ধু আমার, তোর শান্তকাকু হচ্ছেন ক্ষণজন্মা। উনি উনার কাজের মধ্যেই বেঁচে থাকবেন। কাকুর বিদেহী আত্মার শান্তি কামনা করছি।



Message from Nazneen Akbar Hoque, Senior Early Childhood Educator at YMCA, Canada

Shanto chacha died this morning. Inna Lillah Waa Inna Ilaihey Razeoon. He was the founder of Shanto Mariam University and Chairman of Sundarbon courier services. May his soul rest in peace. He was a very giving man and a philanthropist. There are thousand of people out there who were directly helped to survive by him. I have had the opportunity to meet him and talk to him in a few occasions. I always wanted to work with him and offered to help him to motivate his working class workers. I was suppose to join him in 2022. Well now; dont know. May Allah SWT forgive him and place him in Jannahtul Ferdows.


Condolence from Nobonita Chowdhury, Director of Preventing Women Against Violence Initiative, BRAC

আমার শোক ও সমবেদনা জানাই টিউলিপ। । কিন্তু উনি শান্ত-মরিয়মের মত দারুণ একটা ইউনিভার্সিটি করেছেন, কাজেই কাজের মধ্যেই তোমার কাক্কু বেঁচে থাকবেন। বাংলাদেশে গ্রাফিক ডিজাইনিং যে প্রাতিষ্ঠানিকভাবে পড়ে কাজে আসা যায়, ফ্যাশন ডিজাইনিং, ইন্টেরিয়র ডিজাইন এই কাজগুলো যে উচ্চশিক্ষার বিষয় হতে পারে, বেসরকারী ইউনিভার্সিটিতে টাকা খরচ করে মানুষ রবীন্দ্রসঙ্গীত, নজরুল সঙ্গীত, নৃত্য নিয়ে ডিগ্রি নিতে পারে তা দেখিয়ে গেছেন উনি। শান্ত মরিয়মের ছাত্রছাত্রীরা সারাদেশের প্রিন্টিং পাবলিশিং এবং ক্রিয়েটিভ ইন্ডাস্ট্রিতে দারুণ কাজ করছেন। আমি সবসময় ভাবতাম কে বিবিএ এমবিএ’র স্রোতের বিপরীতে গিয়ে এমন একটা ইউনিভার্সিটি চালু করলেন! দু:খজনকভাবে মৃত্যুসংবাদ মারফত তাঁকে চেনার সুযোগ পেলাম আমি।


Condolence from Professor Nisar Hossain, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Art, University of Dhaka

বীর মুক্তিযোদ্ধা, নিখাদ দেশপ্রেমিক ও মানব দরদী প্রিয় শান্তভাইয়ের মৃত্যুতে গভীর শোকা প্রকাশ করছি। তাঁর আত্মীয়-পরিজনদের প্রায় সবাই আমাদের অতি পরিচিত ও ঘনিষ্ট। তাঁদের সবার প্রতি জানাই আন্তরিক সমবেদনা। বাংলাদেশে বেসরকারি পর্যায়ে মানসম্পন্ন চারুশিক্ষা প্রতিষ্ঠানের বিকাশে তাঁর অতুলনীয় ভূমিকা চিরস্মরণীয় হয়ে থাকবে।
শিল্পী অধ্যাপক নিসার হোসেন
ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের চারুকলা অনুষদ


Memory from Kiran Man Chitrakar, DGM Nepal Television

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Deeply sad demise of Freedom Fighter of Bangladesh Md Imamul Kabir Shanto Founder chairman of Mariam University .
some memory of January ,2011 ,in Dhaka .